YAWARA – Hand Techniques

  1.  Katate Hazushi “A” :   Outside wrist grab release
  2.  Katate Hazushi “B” :   Cross wrist grab release
  3.  Ryōte Hazushi:   Double wrist grab release
  4.  Morote Hazushi:  Two hands on one wrist grab release
  5.  Yubi Tori Hazushi:   Finger grab escape
  6.  Momiji Hazushi:  Escape from a cross choke
  7.  Ryōeri Hazushi:   Front choke escape and follow-up
  8.  Yubi Tori:  Finger lock on sensitive third finger
  9.  Moro Yubi Tori:  All finger lock and come-along
  10.  Katate Tori:  Single wrist flex
  11.  Ryōte Tori:  Double wrist flex
  12.  Tekubi Tori “A”:  Wrist twist from an outside wrist grab
  13.  Tekubi Tori “B”:  Wrist flex from a cross wrist grab
  14.  Imon Tori:  Chest push defense
  15.  Ryōeri Tori:  Wristlock from a double lapel grab
  16.  Akushu Kote Tori: Wrist flex from a handshake
  17.  Akushu Ude Tori :Arm lock from a handshake
  18.  Akushu Kotemaki Tori:  Bent armlock takedown from a handshake
  19.  Kubi Nuki Shime: Side headlock escape
  20.  Hagai Shime: Full-nelson escape